Back to School Blues; Are You Prepared?

Back to School Blues; Are You Prepared?
As the kids are starting to go back to school and parents are rejoicing all over the country, it's important to know what your kids will need to be successful this school year. The top five school supplies that are a must have for your child as they go back to school this fall include folders, Pencils, calculators, tablet or laptop, and notebooks.
New Folders
Folders are a great way for student's to organize their school work and to keep their papers clean and dry. We already know kids have a hard enough time keeping their homework clean and organized from the time they bring it home until the time it makes it back to school. Get a large pack of folders so that as the year progresses and they start to get worn out and tattered you can simply replace them to keep them nice at all times.
It should be a no brainer, but of course another very important school supply that cannot go unmentioned is the pencil. As your child goes through the long and tedious school work and essays they may have to write, pencils will surely be a casualty. They break, get lost, lose their erasers all of the time so it's important you prepare for that in advance.
Another important school supply that often goes amiss is the calculator. Especially if your child is at a higher level of education such as middle or high school they will need to have a good, reliable calculator to bring with them to class.
Laptop or Tablet
With all of the advancements in technology it's no wonder that your child will need either a laptop or tablet. Make sure it is one that is reliable but not too pricey as we know how responsible kids are at times.
Finally, a school supply that is important for your kid to have as they go back to school is notebooks. They will surely fly through the pages on their tablets as they take notes and do their daily school work. Make sure you have a nice stock pile of notebooks to replace as your child needs them.