Top 5 School Supplies

What are the Top 5 School Supplies Your Kid Needs
You might feel like there are hundreds of items that you need to purchase for your child to use at school, but you do not have to buy them every single school supply item that you think of. There are some items that are more important than others and that should be your main focus as you shop for your child.
Pick Up Writing Utensils for Your Child:
If you are picking out the top five school supply items, you should pick out pencils first. Your child is going to need pencils all of time. You should also purchase pens for your child. The third item that you need to pick up when you are buying your child the most important school supplies is a set of markers or crayons. Your child needs something colorful that they can use when they have a project where they need to fill in a page or color something.
Pick Up a Scissors and Glue for Your Child:
You should find a set of age appropriate scissors for your child to use when they are in school, and you should also make sure that your child has some type of glue that they can take with them to the classroom.
There are Some School Supplies that are More Important Than Others:
Pens and pencils are important when a child is heading to school, as are markers and crayons. It is important that you give your child the tools that they need to complete all of their school projects. For more sources read on school supplies.